Thursday, February 3, 2011

More pictures n stuff :)

Bored this morning waiting for mom to get back so we can go down to the DMV :)

"My mind is where I lock my heart and soul away - not to keep others from getting in, but to keep it from getting out"

Casey's & I on our first date, we may not be together now, but he's become a best friend. We depend on eachother & he's always there for me <3

"He never said that it would be easy, he just promised it would be worth it"

My amazing sister, we've had our days where I could strangle her but she's the best. <3

"Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world."
Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

02.02.11 Part 2

"the most amazing girls don't have boyfriends, because all the boys think they're not good enough, & they are right" :)

Just posting some pictures and quotes that are important to me (: and getting used to this whole thing. Bare with me!

My brother & Nathan :) Now they are BOTH taller then me, I'm in trouble :)

Christmas photo 2010 of my brother, sister & I, my two most favorite people, EVER.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting their battle too"

"As I stand facing the frontier of tomorrow, I look out and see what my future could be, I see what I want my future to be, but I know that neither of these is what it will be."

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
Marilyn Monroe  
"I missed 11:11 by one minute tonight, I guess thats fate's way of telling me that you just aren't worth wishing for anymore" <3
More to come tomorrow...
I'm exhausted and my body is killing me from the accident tonight.
Night xo


My life needs a TV show, this was the closest I could get...ha :)

Well today started out to be a good day, got up and ready for my second day at Fantastic Sam's...until boom, the breaks go out in my truck, I black out and next thing ya know I'm in an ambulance on my way to Gilbert Emergency Hospital.  I'm okay now, just trying to put it all together.  The doctor said after CT scans and x-rays nothing is wrong, just muscles tense and sore. Bruising on my chest and hips from the seatbelt and burns from the airbag.  But I did want to thank people like my amazing parents, our neighbor Dawn,  my best friends Katie, Nathan & Casey for being there for me. Without them this day would have been much harder then it already was. 
Anyone who knows me knows how much I loved that Tacoma, but I guess that means that God had a different plan for me...but talking with my parents, looks like my Tundra will be coming sooner then expected :)

Anyway, so my second day at Fantastic Sam's is put off till Monday, & we will try it again...
Tomorrow should be a better day,
K xo